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Brian is a published and self-published author with 42 books currently in print. Twenty-two are about exercise, and the remaining 10 are about topics of personal fascination. He has also written articles for many publications, including The Paranormal Press and Readers Digest in the USA


As an exercise scientist, he is naturally inquisitive, seeks empirical evidence, and is genuinely fascinated by the possibility of making the previously unknown known.

Since it is a passion, Brian will continue researching and writing books about exercise, health, and well-being.  


However, since everyone loves a mystery, and no one more than Brian, he will also write more new books about some of the great mysteries of life and our universe that have fascinated human beings since the dawn of time.


Brian founded to research the unknown. Contrary to the norm in this genre, Brian and his team are not blind believers. Instead, they are science-grounded, open-minded sceptics who are equally fascinated by mysteries and seek scientific answers to age-old questions. In 2022, Brian and the Paranormal Rescue team appeared in “Beast Seekers,” Season 1 Episode 18.

Circa 98% of the mysteries they have encountered to date have been solved rationally through scientific means.  However, circa 2% remain not only annoyingly unexplained with our current understanding of science but have frequently proven to be some of the most spectacular, perplexing, and dangerous paranormal mysteries.

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